Request login

Challenge-response authentication via Trezor. To protect against replay attacks you should use a server-side generated and randomized challengeHidden for every attempt. You can also provide a visual challenge that will be shown on the device.

Service backend needs to check whether the signature matches the generated challengeHidden, provided challengeVisual and stored publicKey fields. If that is the case, the backend either creates an account (if the publicKey identity is seen for the first time) or signs in the user (if the publicKey identity is already a known user).

To understand the full mechanics, please consult the Challenge-Response chapter of SLIP-0013: Authentication using deterministic hierarchy.

const result = await TrezorConnect.requestLogin(params);


Optional common params
Common parameter useEmptyPassphrase - is always set to true and it will be ignored by this method

Login using server-side async challenge

  • callbackrequired function which will be called from API to fetch challengeHidden and challengeVisual from server

Login without async challenge

  • challengeHidden - required string hexadecimal value
  • challengeVisual - required string text displayed on Trezor


Login using server-side async challenge
    callback: function () {
        // here should be a request to server to fetch "challengeHidden" and "challengeVisual"
        return {
            challengeHidden: '0123456789abcdef',
            challengeVisual: 'Login to',
Login without async challenge
    challengeHidden: '0123456789abcdef',
    challengeVisual: 'Login to',


Login type

    success: true,
    payload: {
        address: string,
        publicKey: string,
        signature: string,


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string // error message

Server side examples

Here is the reference implementation of the server-side signature verification written in various languages: