Ethereum: Sign transaction

Asks device to sign given transaction using the private key derived by given BIP32 path. User is asked to confirm all transaction details on Trezor.

const result = await TrezorConnect.ethereumSignTransaction(params);


Optional common params

EthereumSignTransaction type

  • pathrequired string | Array<number> minimum length is 3. read more
  • transaction - required Object type of EthereumTransactionEIP1559|EthereumSignTransaction "0x" prefix for each field is optional
  • chunkifyoptional boolean determines if recipient address will be displayed in chunks of 4 characters. Default is set to false


EIP1559 (after The London Upgrade)

:warning: Supported firmware versions T1B1 v1.10.4 and T2T1 v2.4.2

If both parameters maxFeePerGas and maxPriorityFeePerGas are defined, transaction will be signed as the new type introduced in EIP1559.

    path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
    transaction: {
        to: '0xd0d6d6c5fe4a677d343cc433536bb717bae167dd',
        value: '0xf4240',
        data: '0xa',
        chainId: 1,
        nonce: '0x0',
        maxFeePerGas: '0x14',
        maxPriorityFeePerGas: '0x0',
        gasLimit: '0x14',


For T1B1 and T2T1 with firmware older than 2.4.2 (but supported newer firmware versions too).

    path: "m/44'/60'/0'",
    transaction: {
        to: '0x7314e0f1c0e28474bdb6be3e2c3e0453255188f8',
        value: '0xf4240',
        data: '0x01',
        chainId: 1,
        nonce: '0x0',
        gasLimit: '0x5208',
        gasPrice: '0xbebc200',


EthereumSignedTx type

    success: true,
    payload: {
        v: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix
        r: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix
        s: string, // hexadecimal string with "0x" prefix


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string // error message