Signing binaries win
The desktop build of Trezor Suite uses electron-builder for signing the package and the binaries inside.
In order to be able to sign all the binaries for windows in other operating systems [electron-builder] uses osslsigncode.
Check if binaries are signed for windows in Linux
The installer .exe
can be unpacked with 7za x Trezor-Suite-22.2.1-win-x64.exe
on Linux. The chktrust
is from mono-develop package (Ubuntu LTS, other distros will have it under similar name).
7za x Trezor-Suite-22.2.1-win-x64.exe
After unpacked, test signatures:
for I in **/*.exe **/*.dll; do echo "---Checking $I"---; chktrust "$I"; done
CI signing details for windows
Certificate file is with extension: .pfx
Env variables for signing: WIN_CSC_KEY_PASSWORD
Creating Self-signed pfx and cer certificates with OpenSSL
Generate directly the pem:
openssl req -x509 -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cert.pem -out cert.pem
The pem cannot be used with Microsoft products, so we need to convert it to PKCS#12/PFX Format which is what Microsoft uses.
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.pem -inkey cert.pem -out cert.pfx