Desktop Updates

The desktop build of Trezor Suite uses an auto-updating feature to keep the application up to date with our latest published release.


The package electron-updater (part of electron-builder) is used to manage updates. Information about updates is displayed in our UI and the user can perform actions related to them (trigger update, skip, etc...).

In addition of what electron-updater provides us, we check signatures of downloaded files. For this to work, all files uploaded on Github need to have a signature attached with them. The signature will be checked against the SL signing key which is included in the application at build time. The key is located in packages/suite-desktop-core/build/app-key.asc and should be updated if the private key is changed.

How to publish an update

  1. Set the GH_TOKEN environment variable to a personal access token with access on the project repo scope. See Github documentation for more information.
  2. Check the version you want to publish is correct.
  3. Build all or a platform specific desktop build using yarn workspace @trezor/suite-desktop run build:desktop (all) or yarn workspace @trezor/suite-desktop run build:linux (platform specific/linux).
  4. Publish all builds or a platform specific build using yarn workspace @trezor/suite-desktop run publish:all (all) or yarn workspace @trezor/suite-desktop run publish:linux (platform specific/linux).
  5. Go to the Github Releases page, you should see a drafted release.
  6. Update the content (which will be displayed in app as a change log) and publish the release.