Suite Desktop

Main differences between suite-web and suite-desktop builds

- @trezor/connect API

  • suite-web

    @trezor/connect is hosted at [url]/build/static/connect and injected as an iframe into DOM.

    @trezor/connect imports from @trezor/suite are replaced to @trezor/connect-web see webpack config

    iframe.postMessage/iframe.onmessage interface is used as communication channel between suite and connect API.

  • suite-desktop

    @trezor/connect is installed as regular node_module and works in nodejs context (electron main process).

    @trezor/connect files are not hosted on the electron renderer context, there is no iframe or /build/static/connect dir.

    On the renderer context all @trezor/connect methods from are replaced by @trezor/ipc-proxy methods. see index

- Firmware binaries

  • suite-web

    newest firmware binaries are hosted at [url]/build/static/connect/data/firmware and they are downloaded using regular fetch API.

  • suite-desktop

    firmware binaries are bundled as application resources in bin directory, full path depends on OS but it could be found on the as level as app.asar file, and they are downloaded using fs.readFile API. see @trezor/connect/src/utils/assets

- Trezor Bridge (trezord)

- Tor

App ID and name by environment

EnvironmentApp IDApp nameUser data dir name
production (codesign)com.trezor.suiteTrezor Suite@trezor/suite-desktop
development (sldev)com.trezor.suite.devTrezor Suite Dev@trezor/suite-desktop-dev
localcom.github.ElectronTrezor Suite Local@trezor/suite-desktop-local

Suite app name and ID are set by the environment so that Suite uses different user data dir and it's not mixed between environments. The main benefit is that you can switch back and forth between Suite dev versions without losing your remembered production wallets. One disadvantage of this solution is checking of other instance running is not so straightforward between environments.

Same concept (user data separated by environment) works on web out of the box (storage per domain name).

Debugging main process (Chrome dev tools)


Open chrome and go to chrome://inspect

In "Devices" tab make sure that "Discover network targets" is enabled and "localhost:5858" is added (use Configure button)

dev mode

modify packages/suite-desktop/package.json

"dev:run": "electron ."
// to
"dev:run": "electron --inspect=5858 ."

prod mode

Run production build with --inspect=5858 runtime flag


Logging can be enabled by running Suite with the command line flag --log-level=LEVEL (replace LEVEL with error, warn, info or debug based on the logging you wish to display). Additional command line flags can be found below.

More technical information can be found on the Desktop Logger page.


Available shortcuts:

Reload appF5, Ctrl+R, Cmd+R
Hard Reload appShift+F5, Shift+Ctrl+R, Shift+Cmd+R
Restart appAlt+F5, Option+F5, Alt+Shift+R, Option+Shift+R
Open DevToolsF12, Cmd+Shift+I,Ctrl+Shift+I, Cmd+Alt+I, Ctrl+Alt+I

Runtime flags

Runtime flags can be used when running the Suite Desktop executable, enabling or disabling certain features. For example: ./Trezor-Suite-22.7.2.AppImage --open-devtools will run with this flag turned on, which will result in opening DevTools on app launch.

Available flags:

--open-devtoolsOpen DevTools on app launch.
--pre-releaseTells the auto-updater to fetch pre-release updates.
--bridge-legacyUse Legacy (trezord-go) Bridge implementation
--bridge-devInstruct Bridge to support emulator on port 21324
--log-level=NAMESet the logging level. Available levels are [name (value)]: error (1), warn (2), info(3), debug (4). All logs with a value equal or lower to the selected log level will be displayed.
--log-writeWrite log to disk
--log-uiEnables printing of UI console messages in the console.
--log-file=FILENAMEName of the output file (defaults to trezor-suite-log-%tt.txt)
--log-path=PATHNAMEPath for the output file (defaults to /logs subfolder of Suite data directory or current working directory)
--enable-updaterEnables the auto updater (if disabled in feature flags)
--disable-updaterDisables the auto updater (if enabled in feature flags)
--updater-url=URLSet custom URL for auto-updater (default is github)

Debugging build


./Trezor-Suite-22.7.2.AppImage --log-level=debug


./Trezor\\ Suite --log-level=debug


appimage-run ./Trezor-Suite.AppImage --log-level=debug

Extract application


npx asar extract ./Trezor\ ./decompiled


Run application to get mount-id like:

Trezor-Suite.AppImage installed in ~/.cache/appimage-run/e4f67ae8624c4079527c669d8a3c4bbc1dd00b83b2e1d15807a5863b11bd4f38

npx asar extract ~/.cache/appimage-run/[mount-id]/resources/app.asar ./decompiled