Binance: get public key

Display requested public key derived by given BIP44 path on device and returns it to caller. User is presented with a description of the requested public key and asked to confirm the export.

const result = await TrezorConnect.binanceGetPublicKey(params);


Optional common params

Exporting single address

  • pathrequired string | Array<number> minimum length is 5. read more
  • showOnTrezoroptional boolean determines if address will be displayed on device. Default is set to true

Exporting bundle of addresses

  • bundle - Array of Objects with path and showOnTrezor fields


Displays public key derived from BIP44 path:

    path: "m/44'/714'/0'/0/0",

Return a bundle of public keys without displaying them on device:

    bundle: [
        { path: "m/44'/714'/0'/0/0", showOnTrezor: false }, // public key 1
        { path: "m/44'/714'/1'/0/0", showOnTrezor: false }, // public key 2
        { path: "m/44'/714'/2'/0/0", showOnTrezor: false }, // public key 3


PublicKey type

Result with only one public key

    success: true,
    payload: {
        path: Array<number>,
        serializedPath: string,
        publicKey: string,

Result with bundle of public keys sorted by FIFO

    success: true,
    payload: [
        { path: Array<number>, serializedPath: string, publicKey: string }, // public key 1
        { path: Array<number>, serializedPath: string, publicKey: string }, // public key 2
        { path: Array<number>, serializedPath: string, publicKey: string }  // public key 3


    success: false,
    payload: {
        error: string // error message